Before reporting an ad, please have the following, which will help our team's investigation:
- Name of the ad
- Time the ad appeared in the game
- Screenshot of the ad
To report the ad in your game:
1. Tap the screen to raise the menu bar - or - tap the MENU button
2. Select the Brainium logo (blue brain) - or - select HELP
3. Choose HELP
4. Tap the message button at the bottom (we also have a message button in the upper-right corner)
5. Tap New Conversation
6. Describe the ad you're reporting then send your message
7. Select "No, I need to talk to someone"
8. Select "No, It did not help"
9. Tap "Report problematic ad"
10. From there, we will walk you through the remainder of the process
We use third-party ad networks to supply ads to all of our apps and never intend to show ads that offend, deceive, or frustrate our users. We are unable to choose which ads are shown in our games, but we are able to request their removal.
While we have filters in place and monitor as many ads as humanly possible, we can't see or catch them all. This is why it is so helpful when players report ads directly to us so that we can further investigate.
Don't see what you're looking for? Let’s talk about it. Tap the chat button at the bottom or in the upper-right corner.