Running into a dead ends is very common in Mahjong, we often get asked why our Mahjong does not contain an option to shuffle.

While working on a board, once, twice or twelve times, you build a familiarity with it and actively decide which tiles get paired together.  Finding a new path is the ability to return to a point in the game where multiple pairing options had been available, and trying out different sets of pairs that will ultimately change the outcome of the game. By shuffling tiles, the active board essentially becomes a new game. While we aren't ruling this out entirely, we have purposefully left a feature to shuffle tiles out of this version of the game.

Keep in mind, different boards offer different levels of challenge. If you're not feeling a board, try changing it out for something else by accessing your Themes tab. As you win more games, you will collect more board shapes and grow your collection.

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