The Sudoku Daily Puzzle consists of a new puzzle every day of the month and will have a solution. Every daily puzzle is the same game for all players - regardless of skill.  

The Daily Puzzle ideally should be played on the date to earn a gold checkmark without using hints.
If a day is missed, the game can still be played, and a silver checkmark will be awarded instead. Don't have time to complete a puzzle? No problem! Progress for daily puzzles will automatically save and can be returned to later. 
To access the Daily Puzzle:
  1. Tap on the Sudoku screen to bring up the menu bar
  2. Select the Game tab
  3. Choose the Daily Puzzles button
  4. Select the current day or past date to play 

Daily Puzzle Calendar Index:

Blue circle is a past Daily Puzzle that has not been started

Blue circle with a white dot indicates that the Daily Puzzle has been started and is in progress

Gold circle indicates it's today's Daily puzzle and has not been started

Gold circle with a white dot indicates that today's Daily Puzzle has been started and is in progress

Gold checkmark is awarded for completing today's Daily Puzzle and without using any hints

Silver checkmark is awarded when the Daily Puzzle has been solved on different day or a hint was used

Sudoku Daily Puzzle Calendar

Please note: Daily Puzzles can only be completed in the same month and cannot be played once the month is over.



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