Once the app is updated, it cannot be rolled back to the previous version.

Our team has made thoughtful enhancements and updates to improve the overall Sudoku experience, making it even more convenient to play and enjoy.

If you're familiar with our other Brainium games, you'll notice that the menu bar and tabs are designed and function in the same way as our other apps.

To access the menu bar, tap the bottom of the Sudoku screen to raise the menu bar.

If you haven't yet, please give some of the newly added features in Sudoku a try:


    •  Auto Light/ Dark Mode:  ☀️ Lightens or darkens the grid theme based on your device settings, like playing during the day or at night 🌙 
    • Additional Backdrops:  You can continue to use the classic Sudoku backdrop or select the newly added designs by scrolling to the right
      • Want to keep it simple? Toggle on Simple Backdrops to play with a solid backdrop color


    • Ads: You can easily remove ads from the game by toggling off Ads, which will prompt you to make a one-time purchase through the Google Play Store 
    • Change Difficulty: You can easily select the difficulty of your Sudoku game based on the colored stars 
      • Green = Breezy (easiest) 
      • Yellow = Easy 
      • Orange = Medium 
      • Dark Orange = Hard 
      • Red = Expert (hardest
    • Status Bar: Show or hide your device's status bar at the top of the screen. Toggle on to show or toggle off to hide  
    • Large Keys: Enlarge the number keypad that is used to select which numbers are inputted into the Sudoku board by toggling on Large Keys
    • Concrete Cells: Darkens the cells for better readability

We understand that when changes are made it can feel unfamiliar, confusing, and even frustrating. Brainium makes beautiful games and we continue to do so.

If you would like to share your feedback with our team, please send our team a message by tapping the chat button in the upper-right corner.