The goal is to move all of the pyramid cards to the foundation.
Any face-up card in the pyramid, stock, or waste is "playable" if not covered by another card.
Playable cards that add up to 13 can be paired and moved to the foundation.
Kings are worth 13. Any playable King can be moved to the foundation without pairing.


Flip through the stock by dragging the top card to the waste to reveal more cards for pairing.
Once the stock is empty, the waste can be returned to the stock by tapping the circle on the empty stock.
You can flip through the stock 1, 3, or 5 times per game, as set in the menu bar Options tab.
All of the deals in Brainium's Pyramid Solitaire are winnable.


  • The 1st card placed in the foundation is worth 1 point.
  • The 2nd card placed in the foundation is worth 2 points.
  • The 3rd is worth 3 points and so on.
A perfect game where all of the cards in the stock and pyramid are paired is worth 1378 points.
To access Pyramid gameplay rules, tap anywhere on the game screen to raise the bottom menu bar, the Rules button is located in the bottom right corner above the Undo button.
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